Archive for November, 2006

Short Fiction #22 Playful Pets

Playful Pets

Max was not sure what happened first. One thing, however, was certain. Pandemonium ensued.
The dog’s first friendly nip of the cat’s ear was meant to be playful. The cat screeched, hair bristling, claws raking the dog’s muzzle. The dog’s reply was half bark, half howl.
Tiger set off down the hallway, claws scrabbling at the linoleum. Ralph, barking deeply, followed the cat’s erect tail as he chased his tormentor. A loud hiss and a sharp yelp told Max that the order of the chase had suddenly been reversed.

Max was unmoved.
He just kept reading his paper.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 Trevor W. Hampel.

This short story first appeared in Freexpression magazine in June 1999.

Re-introducing Trevor’s Writing blog

Observant regular readers of this blog will notice a small but significant change to the title of this blog. The blog hasn’t changed, nor has the content or direction of it. The URL remains the same too, so no need to panic.

Since starting this blog in March of this year I have never been totally happy with the title. My son, who does all the technical stuff in maintaining my three blogs, came to visit this week for my birthday. While he was here we did a lot of talking about blogging and where we are heading with my three blogs. He also spent a little time tweaking various aspects of the blogs.

To rename this blog Trevor’s Writing better reflects what this blog is all about. I will continue to share some of my poetry, short stories and ideas about writing and blogging. I will continue to share more thoughts about the writer’s life, writing hints and observations on life as they relate to writing, blogging, books and literature.

This name change also brings a quirky consistency in the names of my blogs. They are as follows:

  • Trevor’s Writing – this blog about writing.
  • Trevor’s Birding – about my observations and photos of Australian Birds.
  • Trevor’s Travels – about my experiences and photos of travel in Australia, Thailand and Nepal.

Haiku #25 Pardalotes

Pardalotes peeping
Thier noon-day chorus to the
Assembled forest.

Copyright 2006 Trevor W. Hampel

All rights reserved.

Pardalotes are small Australian bush birds. The photo below shows the Spotted Pardalote found nesting in our garden.

Link: Spotted Pardalote Nestingan article from my Birding Blog.

Spotted Pardalote with nesting material in beak

Spotted Pardalote with nesting material in beak

Poem #14 Bird Chorus at Lake Hattah

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Bird Chorus at Lake Hattah

Australian Ravens
Mournfully winging their way
Across the parched land.

Noisy Miners
Shrieking their way
From tree to tree.

Galahs painting
Pink lines
Across an azure sky.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos
Raucously piercing the morning air
With alarm calls.

Dusky Woodswallows
Twittering their chorus
High above.

Regent Parrots
Streaking the sky
With arrows of gold.

Laughing their way
In a new dawn chorus.

Mallee Ringnecks
Clinking the treetops
With bell like calls overhead.

White Winged Choughs
Strutting on parade, squabbling
As they inspect each campsite.

Drowsy campers
Stirring in their sleeping bags.
No need for an alarm clock!

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2006 Trevor W. Hampel.

Related links:

Updated and edited November 2013

Noisy Miner

Noisy Miner

Birthday reflections

Birthdays are good for you – the more you have, the longer you live.

Happy birthday to me.

No – it’s not one of the BIG ONES (that comes next year).

Birthdays are a good time to reflect on the year just completed. What kind of a year did I have? When I look back over the last year it has been one of some big highs and deep lows.


  • My first trip overseas last December and January (see my travel blog).
  • Trekking in the Himalayas
  • Seeing Mt Everest up close (20km is close when you walk in those mountains).
  • Getting some fabulous photos on my new digital camera (see my photo gallery)
  • Getting my three blogs up and running and getting steadily increasing traffic (hi everyone)
  • Getting some of my short stories published
  • Accomplishing more writing this year than ever before.
  • The depth of the relationships developed in the Bible study group I lead.


  • Being diagnosed as diabetic earlier this year
  • Struggling for months to adjust to this diabetic life (a work in progress)
  • My wife having two serious operations this year

I won’t dwell too much on the lowlights. I struggle with the wise advice to accept such things and confidently say, “This too shall pass.”

There is so much to look forward to, including the exciting potential of my blogs, some writing projects with great promise and the freedom to explore other possibilities, including the prospect of further travel next year.