New Design for this blog
How do you like the new design of my blog?
My son Simon (The Rhyme of Sim’) does all the maintenance work on my three blogs and he has been playing around with the designs of each of them. We’ve been aware for some time that this blog needed something extra – like the banner photo at the top. We hope you like it. Apart from the design changes, nothing else has changed – still the more articles about blogging and writing will be coming this way. And more of my poetry and short fiction too.
Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.
My other blogs have also had a facelift. Check them out here:
Trevor’s Birding – my blog about Australian birds (with many photos)
Trevor’s Travels – my travels in Australia, Thailand and Nepal.
Poem #28 River Red Gums, Lake Hattah
River Red Gums, Lake Hattah
The tree-lined shore
Is reflected in glass –
Smooth water mirroring gums
In their majestic splendour.
Their twisted branches
Reaching out in all directions
Like praying hands
Supplicating the heavens.
Sunset approaches;
Dark green leaves turn
Burnt orange,
Now golden glow.
The final sun-kissed rays
Splash fairy-floss pink
On kingly brows
Ending their day’s reign.
All rights reserved.
Copyright 2007 Trevor W. Hampel.