A Creative Journal

A Creative Journal is a blog about writing, especially journal writing. It include ideas for writing, hints, tips, inspiration and writing prompts.

Several recent articles have some interesting writing helps. In one such article called Doodle Journal the author suggests that writers could benefit greatly from “doodle writing” – similar in content to doodle drawing. The suggestion is to write in a stream-of-consciousness style as a writing exercise or a warm-up to one’s major writing project at the time. Sounds like fun and is never meant for publication, only ever for an audience of one.

Another article of intrest to me is called Journal Writing as a Learning Tool.

Teachers are constantly looking for ways to make learning easier for their students. One technique gaining more attention recently is journal writing.

I have to disagree with the author. Journal writing has been a part of good classroom practice here in Australia at least, for well over a decade. It is not a recent idea. I used the techniques to great effect in my own classroom just about every day for the last 15 years.

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2 Responses to “A Creative Journal”

  1. Heather says:

    Hello Trevor,
    I’m glad to see you enjoyed reading my blog. Thanks for blogging about my passion, journal writing. I just wanted to say, that my entry on using journal writing in the classroom was not heralding a new idea. My entry was only to point out how the technique is gaining a lot of attention recently. I’ve read several articles on teachers and parents concerned about the privacy of students using such journals, etc. My older children, 18 & 16, both used journal writing in their classes, as did I at home when I taught one of them. Great blog, by the way. Glad to see another quality blog on writing. 😉

  2. Trevor says:

    Thanks for the positive comments, Heather. I have written more about the positive effects of journalling in another post http://www.trevorhampel.com/the-power-of-journal-writing-a-story-of-hope/.