Time taken to blog

How much time does it take to blog?

That is a difficult question to answer. It depends. It depends on a lot of factors.

  1. Length of the article: some articles take only a few minutes to write; long, in-depth and complicated articles may take several hours.
  2. Topic: some topics take much time to plan, research and think about.
  3. Mood: sometimes the words just flow easily; at other times I struggle to get the words down.
  4. Distractions: too many distractions can disrupt the flow of words.


I try to maintain a post per day minimum on my three blogs. That is demanding. That means I need to write at least three articles each day just to keep up the supply. On a good day when I’m feeling good and the words are flowing nicely and the ideas come easily I can turn out five to seven articles.


In twelve months of consistent, concentrated blogging I’ve had about a dozen days where I’ve produced double figures; my best day was twenty articles. Keep in mind that almost ALL of my content is original. I may have small quotes from others but probably 98% of my posts are original in content. That takes time and effort.

How much time does it take to blog?

Ben answers this question on Instigator Blog. He says that to be a successful blogger you need to develop a new mindset. He takes his readers through five elements in developing such a mindset. Read them here.


One Response to “Time taken to blog”

  1. […] 3. Trevor Hampel takes a look at how much time it takes to blog  […]