The Adventures of Nancy – relaxation

Nancy relaxing by the fire.

Nancy relaxing by the fire.

Here is a photo of me sitting by the fire relaxing for the evening. After a busy day supervising Grandpa Trevor in the garden I need a little rest and relaxation. Sometimes I sit on his lap. That is very comfortable. The best spot is right in front of the fire. Very cosy. Sometimes I get so tired out playing games of chasey with Grandpa that I am quite tired out by bed time. Still – he needs the exercise – having a bit of a game is not such a burden. I have to do my part in keeping him fit and healthy.

Notice the beautiful rug I am resting on? My Mum Rose bought that for me in England when she went to the Cruft’s Dog Show. She sent it all the way home for me to use while she was teaching in England for a year. That was very nice of her. Still, I was a little disappointed she didn’t take me to the best dog show in the world. I am sure we would have won the champion of the show ribbon.

Maybe next year.

Talk to you soon.



2 Responses to “The Adventures of Nancy – relaxation”

  1. Oh Nancy it’s probably just as well you didn’t go to the show. All of the other dogs would have been too jealous!

  2. Trevor says:

    Oh if only you could see me blushing under all my fur! You are too kind – but you are right – they would have all been terribly jealous – and I am sure they would have started b**ching about it. Ha, ha, I just made a lovely pun – just like Grandpa does all the time.