And now for a group writing project…

Robert is one of my regular commenters here on this blog.

And I’m one of the frequent readers (and occasional commenters) on his blog called Middle Zone Musings.

Every month Robert runs a group writing project. I must apologize to him for never having contributed to one of his world-famous challenges. So this month I thought I’d give it a go. What’s more I’ll even give the project a “kick” start by promoting it here. Go ahead – have a go.

All the details can be found on his post called “What I learned from…the world of sports.”

Good writing.


2 Responses to “And now for a group writing project…”

  1. Why thank you, Trevor; I appreciate the publicity! Can’t wait to see your entry, my friend!

  2. Trevor says:

    My pleasure Robert.

    I’ll start work on my entry today.