Book review: Himalayan Adventures

My supervising lecturer recently gave me this book to read. She thought it could be of some use in the writing of my children’s novel which is also set in Nepal. Himalayan Adventures written by Penny Reeve is a charming little book (of only 96 pages) which deals with various aspects of life in Nepal. Each chapter is a self contained story about an animal, bird or some commonplace aspect of village life. There is little connection between each chapter.
The stories are short and written in a narrative style with minimal dialogue. Each is an object lesson in living the Christian life as seen by the author who served as a health professional with a mission organisation in Nepal. While each story is charming in its own way, I would like to have seen some connection between each chapter, such as the same children appearing in each story. This would have allowed more use of dialogue which would also have improved the book.
This book has not been of much value in writing my own children’s book about Nepal because it is so different from what I am trying to do with my story.
- Reeve, Penny 2005, Himalayan Adventures, Christian Focus Publications, Ross-shire, Great Britain.
Hi Trevor,
I see you had a look at Himalayan Adventures and are also writing a novel set in Nepal! Sounds exciting. Have you read Naomi Reed’s “No Ordinary View”? She writes about her time (with her family)in Nepal during the revolution and would be an invaluable source of support info for your Aussie character especially.
Hope the novel’s progressing as it should.
Hi there Penny,
Thanks for the suggestion. I certainly have read the book you mention, and also Naomi’s second book about Nepal called “My seventh monsoon.” Both are exceptionally well written and inspiring books and I have included them as a valuable part of my research. They will also feature in my exegesis essay for my Master of Arts degree where I need to explain how I went about writing the novel.
My MA novel set in Nepal is in the final stages of editing ready to hand up for marking in a few weeks time. I will also be submitting the manuscript to publishers. It is called “Adarsh”.
All the best.
Hi there again Penny,
I’ve just done a double take and realised that you wrote the book I reviewed here. (Gulp)
Thanks for visiting and leaving your suggestions.
This is what I love about blogging – the interactivity with one’s readers.
As well as reading Naomi’s books I have devoured every book on Nepal I can get my hands on. This was an important part of my research. I particularly enjoyed reading the many accounts of life written by Christian missionaries who lived in Nepal.
I visited Nepal for 4 weeks in 2006 with my daughter. She knew a missionary doctor there at the time and my novel is based – in part – on their experiences during a Maoist attack on their village. My main character’s brother joins the Maoist fighters which causes friction in the family. The boy is challenged in his Hindu beliefs when he befriends a Christian boy.
Thanks again.
Yes, I am that author. 🙂
Your novel sounds really interesting. I once wrote a short story from a girl’s perspective set in the civil war of Nepal, but it never reached publication. I’ve also got a novel waiting for a home too. I hope you can find a home for your book when its ready to submit. Stories like these need to be read.
Glad you found Naomi’s books a great help too.