Writing World
A very useful website is the one at Writing-World.com. It is run by experienced writer and editor Moira Allen. The site also offers a free emailed monthly newsletter full of articles of interest to writers. The newsletter also has many links to articles and sites of help to authors.
Top 101
The web site is currently boasting that it has been included in the Writers Digest Top 101 Web Sites for writers. This means that many writers regard this site to be a very useful resource. With over 16000 world-wide subscribers to the newsletter they must be doing something right – or should that be – something “write”.
Useful Resources
The web site has an extensive list of resource about 100 articles online for the writers who are looking for extra help. Topics include:
- Begin at the beginning.
- Rejection, writer’s block and other aspects of the writer’s life.
- How to find markets
- Queries and submissions
- Research, writing and skill building
- Rights and contracts
- Handling income…and getting paid.
- Expanding your career
- Related Links
- Reading material – including books by Moira Allen.
What do you think?
Okay – I’ve been brave enough to post four of my haiku over recent days.
Baring my creative soul, so to speak.
I invite readers’ comments.
What do you think?
Excellent? Good? Average? Could do better? Stinks?
How to be a Freelance Writer
Here is another very useful article about being a freelance writer. It has lots of useful hints and suggestions. The article was written by Adelaide writer and blogger Shai Coggins.
Read the article here.