Archive for the 'General' Category


It’s amazing what you find on the internet.

I was reading a blog about good blog design. As you do.

This led me to a series of blogs that seemed to be really well designed – naturally.

Clear. Easy to read. Interesting. Informative.

As they should be.

Then one had a listing of books the author had recently added to his Library Catalogue. This linked to another page called LibraryThing. It’s a library cataloguing system. Brilliant in concept, simple to use and so useful.

In another life I was a school librarian for eight years. I love books. I read every day. No day is complete without reading. I have a BIG and GROWING collection of books. So does my wife.

Every so often I have to make another bookshelf to hold all the books. We have books about birds, travel, gardening, plants, flowers, Christianity, reference, novels, picture books, humour, history and the list goes on.

Now I could very easily get hooked on cataloguing all our books. I’ve been threatening to do that for about 25 years. Now – where do I get all that time that would be necessary to achieve this worthwhile task?

Until then – I’ll just use shelve them like they’ve always been shelved – non-fiction in approximately subject order, fiction alphabetically by author.

And I’ll find them using the Biblical System – “Seek And Ye Shall Find.”

Literary Magazine

Last year I decided to subscribe to a few more literary magazines. This I regard as a vital part of my inservice training as a writer. It enables me to get a feel for what kinds of things are being published these days. This will help me to decide where to send my poems, short stories and essays.

I have just finished reading and enjoying the summer 2005 issue of Island, a fine little magazine publshed in Tasmania. It contained an excellent mix of fiction, reviews, essays and poetry. At 128 pages long it is quite a feast of reading.
I have read that if every writer subscribed to just three literary magazines each, the small magazines of Australia would be thriving and going from strength to strength. I currently have eight subscriptions. That is in addition to just as many other periodicals, like birding and geographic magazines.

I’m doing my bit – how about you?

For more information go to Island magazine’s web site here.

Fuzzy Logic

Words fascinate me. They always have – even as a child I regularly studied the meanings of words in a little dictionary. Early on – I must have been about 7 or 8 years old – I was given a Collins Gem Dictionary. This tiny volume would fit into a shirt pocket. I still have it somewhere though I haven’t used it for some years as I tend to use one of the following: the Concise Macquarie Dictionary, the Shorter Oxford Dictionary (I call it “Big Bertha” because of its size) or the various online dictionaries available these days.
Early fascination with words

From the moment I received the Collins Gem Dictionary I was hooked on words. Over the following years I probably read the whole dictionary, though I don’t recall any plan to do so. It would go with me to school every day and home again in the afternoon. Then back to school the next day and so on. This habit stayed with me all through primary and much of high school. Significant words were underlined. Meanings were studied and committed to memory. Interesting words were discovered and searched for. As I went to Teachers’ College I “graduated” to using a Penguin English Dictionary. I still use this occasionally despite its lack of a cover. Its covers disintegrated during many games of Scrabble over the years.

New Washing Machine

I recently “killed” our old twin-tub washing machine. At the age of 22 years it deserved a rest. Permanently. We bought a new top loading automatic. It has a label on the top saying it has “Fuzzy Logic”. What on earth does that mean? I’d heard the term without really finding out what it meant. The sales women tried to explain – without throwing much light on the subject.

Fuzzy Logic control

The owner’s manual just says the following:

Fuzzy Logic Control: A built-in load sensor automatically detects the laundry load and a microprocessor optimizes washing conditions such as ideal water level and washing time. Advanced technology is built into the Electronic Control System which ensure the best washing result.

Very clever. And very easy to use. And probably very expensive to fix. I’m trying not to miss the old machine too much.

What is “Fuzzy Logic”?

I wasn’t totally happy with the above explanation. So I went looking on the internet. Wrong move at 6:30 am when you wake up early – fuzzy headed – and can’t get back to sleep. My fuzziness only increased by reading only one article about it, the one in Wikipedia. When my brain can cope with clear logic I might do more research on fuzzy logic.

In the meantime – for those interested, the Wikipedia entry on the topic is found here.

Children’s Book Awards

The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has recently announced the short list of books that are in the running for this year’s Book of the Year Awards. This list is eagerly awaited by authors, publishers, booksellers and librarians. Many schools and libraries puchase the books on the short list and promote them in the lead up to the announcement of the winners.

Book Week

The eventual winners are announced at the commencement of Children’s Book Week. This year Book Week is from 19th to 25th of August. Each year the CBCA chooses a different theme. This year the Children’s Book Week theme is Book Now!

My Dream

My dream for many years is to one day see one of my books listed on the shortlist – and later appear as the winner of the award!  Dare I dream even bigger and want several of my books listed as winners?

For a compete list of books on the shortlist and more details of the CBCA, click here.

Writing Competition

Had some bad news in the mail yesterday. I received the results of a literary competition run by an Australian magazine. I had submitted three poems and three short stories. None was successful. [Update: That last sentence should read: “None were successful.” See comments for an explanation.] Same result as last year, but with a different set of poems and stories. Oh well, all it means is that the judges didn’t like what I wrote. Print them out and resubmit elsewhere is the usual advice at writers’ seminars and workshops.

The poetry judge actually made comments on every poem submitted. The only comment on one poem was “Inventive.” Mmmm, wonder what that means? Does it have some merit? Is it worth resubmitting elsewhere, or does it mean that the judge couldn’t understand it? The comment for the other two poems was “Attempt a rewrite”. Yes, I have done that over and over and over until they were both so different from the original draft that they were essentially new works.

Judging literary competitions must be a thankless task. I’ve never done it and I’m sure it is very hard. I’ll try not to be too despondent – and try again elsewhere. Trouble is, my hit rate has taken a battering in the last 2 years with far more rejections than acceptances. (My success rate is around 10%) You get that. Now on with the next project.