Writer’s block
I’m struggling to write.
Now this is a common problem experienced by most writers. Over the last three months I have had many distractions which have kept me from the key board.
- Things like going away for several short holidays with family.
- Things like spending wonderful time with my grandson – and his parents.
- Things like catching up with family over Christmas.
- Things like celebrating my wife’s birthday with friends – it was one of the big one! (Ssssh – I won’t mention her age)
- Things like getting jobs done around the house that had been studiously ignored during the year.
Probably the most concerning, however, has been a deterioration of my health. Several things have made concentrating on my writing very difficult. This is where persistence comes into play. Over the last few days I’ve gradually pushed through the disappointments and difficulties and persisted with my writing. Sometimes it has been easy, sometimes very challenging.
As I see it now, my priority over the coming months will be to keep on steadily writing while being careful to pace myself and care for my health.
Good writing.
Getting back into writing again
It is time to get back into my writing again.
Over the last two months my writing has taken something of a back seat in my life. I worked really hard over many long hours over an extended period of time in an attempt to get my novel finished before the end of November.
It didn’t happen.
As it turns out, my six weeks of illness in the middle of the year put me behind on my schedule and I never really recovered. The hard push to get it finished took its toll, and by the end of November I was well and truly cooked. So I decided to have a break from my novel writing.
I had actually finished the first draft well before the end of October. I then spent quite a few weeks editing and rewriting. The novel is now in its 6th draft, with at least two more drafts to go, perhaps more.
It has taken me fully two months to get back to the stage where I want to get back into the novel. I hope that the long, enforced break has distanced me enough from the earlier writing to give me fresh eyes for the novel as it now exists.
Many writers will agree with what I have done. Putting aside a story or poem or novel for a few weeks or even months can have a beneficial effect. Of course, sometimes writers do not have the luxury of giving their stories this kind of space, particularly if they are on a submission deadline.
Over the next week I will see how I go.
In the meantime – good writing.
I’m still here
It’s two weeks into the New Year and I haven’t posted here since Christmas Day. Some of you might have been wondering about where I’d gone over the last three weeks.
Truth is, I’ve been rather busy. It seems that the Christmas – New Year period gets busier every year, and more crowded with events. This time around it was family who took up a lot of my time. We had our son, daughter-in-law and delightful new grandson visiting from Sydney. We only get to see them once or twice a year so any time together is a precious. We also had three family gatherings in different parts of the state. This necessitated quite a deal of time consuming travel.
I’ve also been busy getting a few things done around the house and garden. Things I’ve neglected over the last two years while I poured myself into my studies (MA Creative Writing) and my writing. High on that list was cleaning the swimming pool ready for the hot summer weather to come. We’ve already had a good deal of hot weather, but I’m sure there’s more on the way. Then I replaced the pool safety fence, something long overdue. The old fence was not very safe. Over the last few days I’ve installed a new solar blanket on the pool, together with a new roller to store it when we are swimming.
Needless to say I have managed to do very little writing so far this year. I have managed to catch up on a little reading and more television than I’ve allowed myself for some time. All this time I’ve been planning my writing goals for 2010. I haven’t written these down yet; must do that soon. One major goal – I don’t like resolutions – is to get a little more balance in my life. 2008 and 2009 were far too frenetic with my studies and total focus on my writing with little regard for my physical, mental and spiritual well being. That will need to change this year. Sure, I’ll still write heaps, but it will not be the all consuming monster it has become in recent times.
Good writing.