Do you write essays?
I’ve never really considered myself as an essayist. Yet despite that lack of focus, I guess I have written quite a number of essays over the years; I just haven’t called them essays. I guess most bloggers wouldn’t write “essayist” on their CV either, yet many personal blog posts and many of those on niche blogs could be called essays.
“But not many writers start out with dreams of becoming essayists. We want to be journalists, short story writers, novelists or even travel writers, but rare is the scribe who sets out to be an essayist. Personal essays happen by accident, when in the process of setting out to find stories, we end up finding ourselves. Every frustration, adulation, inclination, anguish or misery then becomes fodder for the personal essayist’s pen.” Mridu Khullar
Whether we call them essays, posts, articles or ramblings on the net is not the point. We are all writers, all trying to communicate our thoughts, ideas, experiences and whatever with whoever is listening or reading. This is the true wonder of blogging and the amazing power of the internet. It is so democratic; anyone can be a writer and can make connections with anyone else with access to the internet.
If, however, you do want to take the path of calling yourself an essayist, can I recommend the article I quoted from above. The link is below and the author writes about how she goes about writing the personal essay.
- Writing the personal essay by Mridu Khullar.
- Creative Nonfiction – more articles on non-fiction writing.
The Injustice of being a Writer
Forgive me if this article sounds like sour grapes.
Allow me to have a little whinge.
There is no justice or fairness in the world of writing. I’ve known this for years. I guess it just reflects the wider world of business and life in general. Life just isn’t fair. When the story of an ordinary cat can jag such a huge publishing contract I have to question why I slave away at writing all day for very little financial return. Here’s an extract of the story that turned my normally pleasant nature into a seething volcanic eruption of… well… I hope you get the picture. I wasn’t a happy camper.
AMONG the great literary figures of our time, few have made as much money as fast as Dewey, the Iowa library cat. To the astonishment of the US literary fraternity, a New York publisher has paid $1.25m for a book about the life of a fluffy orange cat who lived for 19 years in a library.
The happy recipient of what is believed to be a record advance for a book about a pet is Vicki Myron, the librarian who looked after Dewey in Spencer, Iowa.
Publishing executives calculate that the book will need to sell at least 250,000 hardback copies to cover the cost of the advance, but editors at Grand Central Publishing are convinced that Dewey will become a runaway bestseller. “You can’t underestimate the market out there for people who love animals,†said Karen Kosztolnyik, who will edit the book.
Positive spin:
Now that I’m over the sheer injustice of this amazing story, let’s put a positive spin on the situation. If this can happen to the keeper of an ordinary cat, it can happen to anyone. It inspires me to keep writing because I never know when the next story I write or the next blog post I’ll publish could be the big break-through event in my writing career. Every writer could be just one story or one book proposal or one blog post away from an amazing turnaround in fortunes. The publishing world is bristling with stories like this one.
Reality check:
The reality is far different, however, for the vast majority of writers. Most of us will labour away for years on modest incomes – or no income at all. Many writers and bloggers do not do it for the money at all. Their reward comes from the very act of writing, from the joy of creating words and stories that please just themselves or perhaps just a handful of readers. Just like Shrek tried to explain to Donkey that ogres have many layers like an onion, so too the writing life has many layers.
- Read the whole story here.
Getting Noticed by Publishers
Most writers want to be published.
That is a given. Of course, not all writing is for general publication; my personal journal may only ever be read by me (and possibly my children after I’ve departed this world). But the fact remains that most writers have a deep desire to be published, to have their words read and appreciated, to make some difference in this crazy world through their words and even make a little money from their writing.
The path to publication is a rocky, winding road strewn with pitfalls, deep valleys of despair and hidden disasters lurking around every corner. How can one get published then? And not go crazy?
Here are some suggestions which may work for you:
- Start a blog like this one and share your writing with the world.
- Read books or magazines about how to improve your writing.
- Read books or magazines about how to get published.
- Attend seminars, workshops and conferences for writers that will help your progress.
- Read web sites or blogs about writing – there is a wealth of information in the archives section of this blog – just go to the sidebar.
There is another way that I must admit that I haven’t tried. There are a few web sites being developed where you can submit your writing online for publishers to read. If they like what they see they will contact you and then publish your work.
One such site, based here in Australia, is called Writers Now Online. It is well worth checking it out; it may well be your path to getting published.
Writers now Online is a space for people who love writing in all categories: short stories, novels, scripts, poetry, love, politics, culture, religion, animals, travel, science. We are looking for passionate people, who want to express through their writing, feelings, dreams, ideas and visions.
Publish with us NOW and share your work with others!
Writers Now Online is a space also for publishers, who are looking for interesting stories everyday. Your story could be one of them. In that case: you get paid!
Writers now Online promotes your stories with publishing companies in Australia, United States of America and Europe through monthly newsletters.
Related articles:
- The Writer’s Toolbox
- How to be a successful blogger or writer – or whatever
- Eight Steps to getting published.
- Writing hints – over twenty articles with heaps of hints about writing and how to get published.