Writing Hint #25: Keep a Word Count
Goals, if they are to be meaningful, need to be measurable.
One very useful hint I picked up early in my writing endeavours is to keep a record of my daily word count. I have set a goal for how many words I write each day and try to exceed that if I can. Last year it was 750 words per day and I achieved just over that. This year I have upped the goal significantly; I aim to average 1000 words per day. At this point in time I am just below 900 words per day and closing fast.
Why keep a word count?
Here are my reasons:
- Measurable: A daily word count is a measurable goal; I can see instantly if have reached my goal.
- Accountable: I keep a record chart listing words written each day which tells me instantly if I’ve been slacking off.
- Motivational: Setting goals like this motivates me to keep on writing. If I know that a novel needs another 50,000 words approximately, that should take me about seven weeks if I write at least a thousand words a day. Breaking down huge tasks into smaller day-sized chunks makes the task much less daunting.
- Personal: I am a self-confessed statistics-loving junkie.
Setting Your Goals: A Word of Warning
If you are new to the writing or blogging world, don’t set unattainable goals. I know I can achieve a thousand words a day because of many years of writing on demand. To the beginner, setting a small goal like 100 words a day may be sufficient. After a few weeks you might be able to set the bar higher, say 200 or 300 per day.
Set Small Realistic Goals:
- Set small goals first.
- Get into the habit of writing something every day to start with.
- As you begin to achieve that small goal, increase the daily word count.
- Keep on stretching yourself by raising the bar.
- Remember to keep the goals realistic though; a goal of 1000 words in not achievable if you can only set aside a half hour per day.
Good writing.
Related articles:
- Writing Hints – many articles giving writing hints and tips.
Following your writing dreams
I regularly receive an email newsletter about writing called “Writing World.” It often has excellent articles about writing, the writer’s life, being professional and hints and tips useful for writers.
I have kept one article written by editor Moira Allen in my inbox for several months. Here is an extract:
Writing IS a rewarding, exciting career. As long as I have to work at all, I wouldn’t want to do anything else. And becoming a freelancer offers a number of benefits that go far beyond money.
Freelancing teaches you how the writing world works — that acceptance and rejection aren’t, for example, mere whimsical events that depend on which side of the bed an editor rolled out of that morning. You learn what sells and what doesn’t, and why, and when something doesn’t sell, you learn to spend less time moaning and more time hitting the keyboard.
You learn that one can’t afford to wait for the “muse” to drop by
before you start to write — and that, even if you don’t feel the
least bit inspired, you CAN write whenever you force yourself to
sit down at that keyboard, and write well. You learn not only
how to meet deadlines but how to set your own. Over time, you
begin to build a name for yourself, and a portfolio — both of
which can be helpful when you ARE ready to start that novel.And best of all, you see your writing skill improve, month by month
and piece by piece. In short, you learn professionalism, discipline and skill — three essential ingredients for the writing life. When you DO decide that it’s time to start following your dreams, those ingredients won’t guarantee success — but the lack of them will almost certainly guarantee failure![The whole article can be read here.]
Three Essential Attributes for Writers:
- Professionalism: Treat your writing seriously; if you treat it like a hobby it will always remain just that, a hobby. Treat your writing and your time as if you are going to a job in an office, school or factory.
- Discipline: This is a tough one. The more time you have available for writing, the more time you have to waste on non-productive activities. Set some firm goals – and stick to them. I set a minimum number of words per day and month as well as a minimum number of blog posts and hours devoted to my writing.
- Skill: There are three basic steps to becoming a better writer: Practice, Practice and more Practice. There is no easy way. It is hard work. Lance Armstrong didn’t get up one morning, mount his bicycle and say he was going to win the Tour de France seven consecutive times. For every kilometre he rode in the race, he practised for hundreds of kilometres in preparation.
Time taken to blog
How much time does it take to blog?
That is a difficult question to answer. It depends. It depends on a lot of factors.
- Length of the article: some articles take only a few minutes to write; long, in-depth and complicated articles may take several hours.
- Topic: some topics take much time to plan, research and think about.
- Mood: sometimes the words just flow easily; at other times I struggle to get the words down.
- Distractions: too many distractions can disrupt the flow of words.
I try to maintain a post per day minimum on my three blogs. That is demanding. That means I need to write at least three articles each day just to keep up the supply. On a good day when I’m feeling good and the words are flowing nicely and the ideas come easily I can turn out five to seven articles.
In twelve months of consistent, concentrated blogging I’ve had about a dozen days where I’ve produced double figures; my best day was twenty articles. Keep in mind that almost ALL of my content is original. I may have small quotes from others but probably 98% of my posts are original in content. That takes time and effort.
How much time does it take to blog?
Ben answers this question on Instigator Blog. He says that to be a successful blogger you need to develop a new mindset. He takes his readers through five elements in developing such a mindset. Read them here.