Archive for the 'The Writer’s Life' Category

Movies about writers: Iris

I was first drawn to the movie Iris because it starred Judi Dench in the lead role. She plays the role of the author Iris Murdoch. I am a great admirer of the acting of Judi Dench. She plays each character with a genuine understanding of the role. She makes acting look so easy, so natural and always so endearing.

In this role she is superb, playing the aging writer Iris Murdoch. Kate Winslet does a credible performance as the young Iris. As the writer ages she steadily succumbs to debilitating Alzheimer’s. She brings a poignant portrayal of the struggles with words and ideas, a land foreign to this intellectual giant of earlier years.

It is compelling viewing. Jim Broadbent also does an excellent job as the life-long soul mate and husband of Iris.

As yet I have yet to read any of Murdoch’s writing. I must make the effort soon.


  • Iris Murdoch – a short biography of the author.
  • Iris Murdoch – article in Wikipedia about the author; includes a bibliography of her works.

In the comments section tell me about other movies about writers that you have enjoyed. They can be either films about real authors, or feature characters playing the part of an author.

Movies about writers

I have been looking through our video and DVD collection. I was suddenly aware that we have a number of films featuring stories about writers. Some of the movies are based on the lives of real writers. Other films feature a fictional character who is a writer.

A quick list from our library would include:

  1. Iris: based on the life of writer Iris Murdoch.
  2. Shakespeare in Love – based on the life of the bard himself.
  3. Finding Neverland – based on the life of J.M. Barrie.
  4. Moulin Rouge – a struggling author is the lead character.
  5. Romancing the Stone – the main character is a novelist.
  6. Jewel of the Nile – ditto.
  7. One Fine Day – a main character is a journalist.
  8. My House in Umbria – the main character is a novelist.

What movies have I missed?

I haven’t seen the new movie Miss Potter yet so that is one to add to the list (and my collection).

I know there must be many more titles to add to this list. Add your suggestions in the comments below.

Writing Hint #22: Strategies to keep you writing

Some days the words just seem to flow from my mind down to my fingertips and on to the keyboard without any effort at all. Some days I have to really work at my writing, crafting every word. And some days it is like trying to make a living out of being a Fowl Dentist.

I like the quote I came across recently and I can’t remember the exact words or who said it, but this person said something like this:

Writing is easy. All you have to do is stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood appear on your forehead.

Procrastination and writer’s block are very real problems for some writers. Discipline is the key but we each demonstrate that in different ways. Some writers have a natural inbuilt discipline to sustain them each day; to them it’s not a problem. Others are so motivated they wonder what the fuss is all about. But many writers struggle.

If you are struggling with procrastination or writer’s block you might get some good ideas from this article:

Some of the ideas are odd, some are downright kooky, but there is enough there for everyone to get at least a handful of techniques that they can use to great effect.

Related articles:

  • Writing hints – over 20 articles I’ve written with many writing hints.

Happy First Birthday!

This blog is officially one year old today.

Happy First Birthday to my writing blog.

It has been an interesting journey of discovery, frustration, elation and a very steep learning curve. This blog commenced while I was staying with my son and daughter-in-law in Sydney last year. We were having a short holiday there and Simon did all the technical stuff setting up my three blogs. He still does all the maintenance on our blogs.

Thanks Sim’.

What have I learned?

  1. Connecting: The writer’s life can be lonely at times – but on the positive side, I’ve made many contacts with people all over the world through their comments and links to this blog and my other sites. Thanks to all of you.
  2. Selecting: The blogging world is an interesting place to live in; there are many wonderful writers who are forward looking in their thinking and express that in their writing. There’s just not enough time in each day to read it all, so one has to be very selective.
  3. Focussing: The writer’s and blogger’s life needs to be very focussed on the task at hand. The internet can be a huge distraction and hours just fly off into the unknown leaving little time for the real work of actually writing.
  4. Absorbing: There are so many things one needs to learn how to do to make the writer’s life and one’s blogging ventures successful. At times I felt like a giant sponge soaking up all the information about this new venture. Putting it all into practice was a challenge. Sometimes, like the sponge, I felt so bloated; at other times all wrung out and dry.
  5. Rewarding: Being able to write over 900 blog posts for the last year has been very rewarding, giving me a great sense of achievement. Having a readership in the many thousands every month has its own rewards, especially when people connect via comments, some returning frequently. Receiving my first payment from my blogging was another reward and, though modest at this stage, it is a start.

So there you have it.

Happy First Birthday.

Reader’s Questions:

  • How long have you been blogging?
  • What have you learned from writing and blogging?

Writing and the frustrations of moving house

This year I have set myself a goal of averaging about four hours of writing and blogging every day. Some days are good, some days are great and then some days are…not so good. So far I am ahead of schedule but there is the constant threat of life getting in the way.

New Sleeping Arrangements:

Last week our new bed arrived. We been talking about replacing the old one for some time now. Aching backs from a sagging mattress was the final straw that broke the camel’s back… well actually, we don’t let camels sleep in our bed. So we went and bought a new bed. Very cosy. It hhhhuuuuggggs your body. Very nice. I am definitely sleeping better.


Part of the decision about the bed included a total reorganisation of our home. No – we are not moving house, but it feels like it. The new bed went straight into the guest bedroom which meant that the old bed there had to move out first. Now we need to clean out our old bedroom and convert that into a new office. Big job. Plenty of hassles and frustrations. Then the existing office will become the guest room but it has to been cleaned out of office stuff first. Then it will need new carpet. It is like we are rotating our rooms in an anticlockwise direction. It is like moving house but you don’t change your address.

Writing Time:

All this extra effort is hard physical work and time consuming. It also means less time for reading and writing. This can mean frustrations and unnecessary anxieties. And life still goes on all around with all of the expectations of other people. Still, when finished, I will have a lovely “new” office with a much nicer view from the window looking out over the garden.

Related article: