
Creativity is not a topic I have specifically written about on this blog. I’ve just been reading the post on the blog YourCre8tivity about writing and creativity. The writer has written a post about ways of stopping creativity.

The article is called 5 Ways to Block Your Creativity and it is in 2 parts:

  • 5 Creativity Blockers
  • Unlock Your Creativity.

I particularly liked the last two suggestions:

  • Keep your life in balance.
    – Spending all your time at work or playing video games narrows your field of reference. A balanced lifestyle gives you a wider palatte to draw your inspiration from and ensures that you have the energy to follow up on those inspirations.
  • Follow your own vision.
    – Your best creative efforts will coincide with the things you care most about. That’s when energy, desire and effort are all harnessed together.

I find life throws me out of balance on far too often, and coping with the disappointments, the trials, the challenges and the demands of others can sometimes take so much energy that the creative juices run dry.

Furthermore, on reading this article I realise that I have not read through my vision statement for more than six months. I need the energy supplied by my vision to reinvigorate me, as well as keeping me on track, always aiming for the goals I have set myself.


2 Responses to “Creativity”

  1. Shadows Edge says:

    Thanks for the link. I’m glad you found the post useful!

  2. Trevor says:

    My pleasure. Must bookmark your site and return regularly.