Making your writing more readable

Most writers aim to communicate with their readers.

For your writing to communicate with your readers, it needs to be readable. For a text to be readable it has some – if not all – of these characteristics:

  1. It must be easily understood.
  2. It must be free of errors.
  3. It must keep to the point.
  4. It must be enjoyable or meet a reader’s need.
  5. It must be concise, not rambling on unnecessarily.

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This article was in response to an article posted by Raj Dash on the Performancing Blog. The article is called 7 suggestions for making your blog writing more accessible. My thanks to Darren Rowse for this link.


2 Responses to “Making your writing more readable”

  1. ABC says:

    nice blog! U have given very useful and practical tips.