More Short Story Starters

This series of articles is proving to be very popular with readers of this blog. Go ahead and use any of these ideas for writing short stories.

  1. Peter hesitated. Where was this path going? He…
  2. Renee was angry. How dare James treat like that? Leaving the room she…
  3. Susan seemed not to notice that the clock had stopped. She…
  4. The parcel was just what Trevor had been waiting for. He quickly…
  5. Vince pretended to be asleep. As Alison crept into the bedroom he…
  6. Wendy could not longer hold back the tears. As the…
  7. Just as Yolanda opened the door, her phone rang. It…

Conditions of use:

  • Feel free to use any of the story starters listed above.
  • Give it your best shot.
  • Edit your work carefully before sending it off to a publisher or posting it on your blog.
  • Let me know in the comments section how it went.
  • If you publish your story on your web site or on your blog let me know so I can make a link to it for others to read.

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