Happy birthday to me
Yes, that time of year has rolled around again. (Sings “Happy birthday” quietly to himself; no-one joins in.)
I had a very busy day with only one special happening. Well, two actually.
I spent most of the morning at the doctors’ surgery. Nothing to get alarmed about – just a routine check-up and all is in order. I needed new scripts for some regular medications I take. I also renewed my driver’s licence last week because the 10 years on the old one were up. To get my licence I had to declare that I had diabetes (which I was diagnosed with since my last renewal). This required a doctor’s consultation and a 4 page questionnaire for her to fill in after she had run me through quite a few tests, most relating to my eyesight. No problems there.
In the afternoon I helped my wife packing up my mother in law’s unit. Last Monday she was admitted to a local aged care home with advancing dementia. It is sad to see her deteriorating on a daily basis, but she is now receiving the professional care we tried to provide but it was beyond our skills. I admire people who dedicate their working lives to helping people in need like this.
A highlight for my birthday was that I bought myself some new binoculars. My old pair has been good, but I bought some lightweight, compact binoculars which are much better. Can’t wait to get out in the field and try them out doing some birding.
In the evening I took my wife to one of the local hotels for a birthday dinner. We had a lovely time, good food and a great view over the River Murray. It was definitely the highlight of the day. Later we each had separate meetings to attend. Mine proved to long and, at times, difficult and challenging, having to deal with a serious issue.
Now back to writing.
Christmas Greetings
Christmas Greetings to all of my readers.
I trust that you have had a wonderful day with many blessings and much joy. I spent a quiet but relaxing day with my wife, daughter and mother in law. We had a wonderful Christmas lunch and we didn’t eat too much. The weather wasn’t too hot and I even managed a little snooze in the afternoon, the book I was “reading” resting peacefully on my chest. Late in the afternoon we had a lovely hour chatting to our son, daughter in law and grandson in Sydney via the wonders of Skype. It was amusing seeing our 2yo grandie showing off all of his new toys.
I haven’t posted many articles on this site this year. Now that I’ve completed my Master of Arts Creative Writing degree I will be able to bring you many more interesting and helpful writing hints here on this site. Stay tuned for many exciting events here in 2011 and beyond.
Good writing
Children’s Book of the Year winners 2010
The Children’s Book Council of Australia has announced the winners of this year’s Book of the Year awards.
For the full list of both the winning books and the honour books click here.
Permit me a few moments of dreaming: I hope one day my name will be listed in these awards.
Okay – dream over – back to editing my novel so that someday I can be in the running.
Good writing.
The Word Writers Fair, Adelaide, 2010

The Word Writers Fair
I should have promoted this sooner.
Never mind – there’s still time for South Australian writers to attend the first Word Writers Fair in Adelaide tomorrow, 21st August 2010. (Just make sure you vote in the federal elections first!)
This special event is free. All you have to do is rock up at Tabor Adelaide, 181 Goodwood Road, Millswood. There’s plenty of free parking on-site too.
Tabor is where I am doing my Master of Arts in Creative Writing so I know some of the speakers and can highly recommend them. Registration is from 8:30am and the programme kicks off at 9am and goes until 5pm.
It should be a great day with plenty of useful input from the speakers. There will be a bookshop too, selling books written by some of the speakers. You can get them signed on the spot.
For more information, including a programme guide click here.
Good writing – and see you there.
Lest we forget
Lest we forget.
Today is ANZAC Day, a very special day on the calendar in both Australia and New Zealand. On this day we remember our war heroes, those who served – and continue to serve – our country on the battlefields of the world.
I wrote a special tribute to the ANZACs a few years ago. It can be read here: Poem: Anzac Cove.
The words of this poem have been set to music by New Zealand composer Andrew Baldwin and the song is being performed as a part of the ANZAC Day celebrations in Ypres, Belgium.
We will remember them.