Walking and writing

Ever been to a writers’ workshop and the instructor asks you to do something you really don’t want to do? I have – and so has Carol Hathaway Scott. In a recent article she writes:

The writing instructor’s announcement messes up my plan to sit and soak up information. “Walk outside for twenty minutes,” she says, “Then write a personal essay based on the experience.”

Walking can often be very useful in a writer’s life. I like to take a break from my writing and go for a walk for the following reasons:

  • I need the exercise – and because my doctor says so.
  • I need the fresh air.
  • Sitting in front of a computer screen for too many hours each day can boring, and it dulls the brain and tires the eyes.
  • Walking gives me thinking time and the creative juices start flowing.
  • Going out for a walk also involves looking at the birds and plants and flowers, and that gives me material to write about in my birding blog.

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One Response to “Walking and writing”

  1. […] Walking and writing – on the important benefits of being a writer who walks. […]