Writing prompts #9

Sometimes writers get stuck for ideas. This might just be a temporary blip on the radar screen. If it persists over a long period of time, the dreaded writer’s block might be the cause.

Whatever the situation, writers are left without ideas. This is where my very popular short story starters can help. Then we have this series of writing prompts to get you out of those writing ruts. Today I present the latest list of writing prompts.

Use these as writing warm up activities. Use them as jumping off points for stories, or magazine articles or even blog posts. Use them however you wish.

Twenty Writing Prompts

  1. Write about a career you have always dreamed about.
  2. Write a conversation between a cow and a blade of grass.
  3. What is your favourite household appliance? Write about its life from the point of view of the appliance.
  4. If you had a choice, where would you live and why?
  5. Write a list of ten things you would never write about.
  6. Write a list of menu items you would offer to an enemy who came into your restaurant.
  7. Choose an item in the room. Describe it without saying what it is and from the object’s point of view.
  8. Make a list of the ten greatest inventions ever.
  9. Write five things you would never tell your children – or your parents.
  10. You are alone in the house. Your cat/dog starts talking to you. Record your conversation.
  11. Choose a colour. Write about how it would feel if everything in the world was that colour.
  12. A stranger approaches you in an airport and asks for a thousand dollars. Record your conversation.
  13. Describe boredom. Make your description exciting.
  14. Assume that more ice creams are sold on Tuesdays. Write a short report on why this is so.
  15. Take on the role of your editor. Write the most devastating rejection letter you can imagine.
  16. What would you do if you could live for a thousand years? describe your life.
  17. Make a list of ten things that the world would be better off without. (“Things” – not people!)
  18. Describe the best party ever. Who would you invite? Where would you hold it? What would you have to eat?
  19. Describe what you would do if you found an elephant in your garden.
  20. Write down your thoughts about the most controversial current news item.

Further reading:


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